Last week we saw the water temps actually go down a couple of degrees with the below average air temps and cool nights. Even with the strong winds mid week the bite was a bit off for this time of the year. We defiantly caught fish and the average size was up, with more 16-19 inch fish than previous weeks. We did have to work harder and move around more to get them. While some of the walleyes have moved off shore, others are still in the shallows especially in the evening or during the day with a good wind. Sucker Bay action picked up this week after being slower than normal this spring. Shinners are still the bait of choice and probably will be through this weekend. The leach bite has picked up and as always crawlers are affective for those that know how to fish them. For those proficient at fishing the weeds you will be rewarded for your efforts in both Sucker and Portage Bays.
Dick Weinberger